Posted: March 1, 2019 Tags: baitcasting reel, fishing reel, fly reel, spinning reel
Posted: March 1, 2019 Tags: baitcasting reel, fishing reel, fly reel, spinning reel
Choosing the right fishing reel ultimately comes down to the type of fishing rod the reel will be devoted to. By the time you’re ready to choose your fishing reel, you’ve likely already done your research on what type of rod you plan to buy to suit your target species or fishing spot. The price of a reel can vary greatly depending on its features, functionality, styling, and warranty. It’s unlikely you’ll want to put an expensive reel on a budget rod so it’s worth sharing your budget between both purchases.
If you’ve bought a rod (or you own a rod and are looking at upgrading the reel), you’re a giant leap closer to choosing the right reel. On most modern rods, just above the grips, you’ll find a series of numbers along with the brand and model name. A rod will often have its length measured in feet (but sometimes centimetres) and beside that you’ll have the recommended line weight range. If the range is 4-8lb line, the rod manufacturer is suggesting the rod is designed for fish up to 8lb (or roughly 4kg). Fishing reels also have weight classes which will help you match your reel to your rod – it’s important to balance the two. A balanced fishing rod will make casting easier and more accurate and reduces user fatigue because the outfit is easier to handle for long periods of time. This is important when regularly casting and retrieving or when fighting that trophy fish. A balanced outfit can also improve sensitivity in the rod tip, making it easier to detect fish striking the bait or lure.
Spinning reels are often referred to as eggbeaters because of their characteristic whipping action and are probably the most versatile of all reels. They use a bail guide system that holds the line, wrapping it onto the spool as you retrieve. When the bail is flipped across, the line is released to fall freely off the spool. This makes them excellent for casting as the spool does not spin. All you have to do is pinch the line to keep it tight on the spool and time your release with the highest point of your cast to let the line fly. The bail can then be flicked back, engaging the reel for retrieval. Spinning reels feature adjustable drag and sometimes a ‘free spool’ setting that can be used when drift fishing in a current, allowing the fish to run with the bait before engaging the reel and striking. The quality and price of a reel are determined by the material it is made from, the drag system, gear features, and the number of ball bearings (these create a smoother action under pressure).
On most modern spinning reels, a reel is branded with a model name and number. The brand and model is, of course, your personal choice. Below is a simple guide to understanding what the numbers mean on most modern reels. Modern spinning reels will usually have the numbers presented in thousands (i.e. 2500) but they may be in double figures (i.e. 25) and occasionally in hundreds (i.e. 250). These examples would be all considered the same sized reel.
Baitcasting reels are designed specifically for baitcasting rods and, while versatile, should be reserved for seasoned anglers. Though notorious for tangles, when mastered these reels offer high levels of accuracy and control.
Baitcasters come in round or low-profile designs. Low profile allows the angler to palm the reel during casting and retrieving which is ideal for sports fishing when targeting bass, barramundi and big bream. A round profile reel generally holds much more line which is ideal for target species that take long runs. These can be good reels for trolling.
Baitcasters come with braking systems which can be adjusted with a spool tensioning knob. This allows the angler to tighten or loosen the spool’s rotation to avoid line backlash otherwise known as the dreaded ‘bird’s nest’. Adjusting the spool’s rotation is required when using different weighted lures to make a longer, more accurate cast. Whatever the braking system, learning to thumb a spool during casting allows you to better manage the spool’s rotation to avoid line backlash.
When buying a baitcaster, it is important to be aware of the gear ratio and suggested line class, as this will help you balance the reel to the rod. A gear ratio is written with two sets of numbers, for example: 7.3:1.
The first set of numbers represent the number of revolutions the spool makes for each turn of the handle. In this example, the spool would revolve 7.3 times to 1 crank of the handle. A higher number indicates quicker retrieval, ideal for lure fishing where the lure requires a fast retrieval action. Line class ( for example: 175 yards. / 14lb.Braid.) is the amount of monofilament or braid line that a spool can fit and the suggested weight class of that line. Our example set of figures 7.3:1 and 175 yards. / 14lb.Braid. would indicate this reel is suited to a medium class baitcasting rod for target species like barramundi.
Fly Reels are designed specifically for fly rods. Traditionally, they are simple in design and construction but modern fly reels are becoming more and more advanced, using disc-type drag systems for improved drag adjustment, consistency and resistance to drag friction.
A fly reel is a single action reel worked by stripping line off the spool with one hand whilst casting the rod with the other hand. The fly reel’s purpose is to simply store line and provide drag when a fish makes a long run. An important feature of the reel is that it is designed to counterbalance the weight of your rod when casting.
Fly rod manufacturers give their rods a weight rating which is usually printed above the rod grip. This rating might be written as 5wt or 5 weight which is the suggested size of fly line to be used with the rod. Fly lines are classed in weights, rather than pounds or kilos. Knowing the rating of a rod is a 5wt, for example, allows you to narrow your choice of fly reel to ensure you choose one that accommodates a fly line of the appropriate weight.
A quick guide to the weight rating is:
Understanding what reel size is best suited to your fishing rod ensures you have a well-balanced outfit which feels good when holding, casting, retrieving, or fighting a fish. To ensure the longevity of your reel, make sure you give it a good clean after every saltwater, brackish water or dirty freshwater fishing trip. The easiest way to clean a reel is to give it a gentle rinse with fresh water. Every now and then it pays to remove the spool and handle and give any moving parts a little oil. A little bit of TLC can go a long way to extending a reel’s life.
Avoid opening any reel casings as they’re tightly packed with small washers, springs and cogs and losing one can be painful. Leave this to a registered technician.